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Future Method: Why Optimism Matters

fmedu | September 17, 2019

After finishing my surgical training, I realized an enormous gap existed in both medical and surgical care specific to the LBGT community. Furthermore, there was a complete disconnect between scientific principles and what we do in the bedroom. That’s why I decided to go down the osteopathic medical route: because it approached medical ailments holistically rather than narrowly. Timing is everything, and the broader arc of our community also shaped my development as a physician.

The primary focus of gay men’s health and wellness for the past few decades was centered on HIV management. That focus was imperative and necessary. During this time, hooking up was seen as a death sentence. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. We are now back to a community where wellness and intimacy can be viewed with optimism.

I began to wonder who was providing quality care to my community…The answer was: no one.

However, once HIV became a chronic condition, my generation became the first out and proud generation living in a world where it was finally manageable. I then thought to myself: there is so much more to our community than a single disease. There are a multitude of issues that have never fully arisen or been actualized. So I began to wonder who was providing quality care to my community, analyzing specific intimate practices, and delivering preventative, medical, and surgical solutions or guided alternatives? The answer was: no one.

This global crisis affecting my community allowed me to pioneer an entirely new field of medicine. And with that, it was not only understanding all these important scientific principles, but also developing community-specific surgical treatments for the betterment of all. And even further yet, I felt the need to start to document a curriculum-based approach to what we do in the bedroom in both a blog and social media context, so that I could try to reach to the masses (since mainstream media wasn’t covering it). It takes time, patience, and allies who share the same goals and mission.

To recap: first, we must understand the needs of a specific community. Then, we must focus on the corrective actions for change and overall improvement. Finally, we must document and share our knowledge to benefit everyone—the public, other communities and other professionals.


It's all in the science—get yours today.


But in doing this mission-based work, I realized even further that people were using unsubstantiated products before, during, and after they got intimate—however that may be. And why was this? It was simple! Appropriate products didn’t exist either. And this disparity brings us back full circle to its potential culprit in STD and HIV transmission.

Intimacy involving the butt notoriously is a high-pressure engagement and because of that, along with a multitude of other factors, I would constantly see the same ailments and treat the same surgical pathologies. The only way to break this cycle is to perform scientific research, in both medical corrective action, and now embark on appropriate product development.

This natural progression gave rise to the formation of Future Method. We are the first company that’s approaching intimacy with a renewed sense of optimism and freedom, not fear and shame. My vision gave me the guidance to not only understand all of these disparities, but also provide impactful change through medical and surgical doctoring, educational programming, and now supportive and scientifically developed products, all focused on impacting community-specific improvements.

We finally have the vision to be thinking about the future. And that’s why we call ourselves Future Method. We are the future. Join us.

About the author
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Evan Goldstein is a board-certified anal surgeon and founder of Future Method and Bespoke Surgical. He is regularly featured in national publications including GQ, Well+Good, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and more.

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